All Donations can be dropped off or mailed to:

Maynard Fire Dept.
9500 Maynard Dr
PO Box 377
Marcy, NY, 13403

About us

Maynard Fire Department

Proudly committed to saving lives in Marcy, New York since 1953.

From its beginnings the Maynard Fire Department has always strived to give its fire district the best protection possible. Alongside our dedicated volunteers, new equipment with new technology is continually placed into service.

Our History

In 1952, a group of community minded people met to discuss the formation of a new fire district to better protect their community. A petition was circulated and met with overwhelming support. The Maynard Fire District was established on May 1, 1952. The district encompassed a two-mile radius centered at the southern end of Morris Road. With the creation of the fire district the Marcy Town Board appointed a Board of Fire Commissioners. The first board consisted of, Harry Bankert, Wener Goldbach, Bradley Hughes, William Parry, Carl Robert, and Frank Peters....


Our Leadership

Our Leadership is focused on experience, knowledge, delegation and partnerships to ensure our fire department's success.


Our Volunteers